ShirLee's Homes4SaleUtah BLOG

ShirLee McGarry's Homes4SaleUtah BLOG, features great articles for consumers, homeowners and Realtors® addressing community, local, state and national real estate news. Articles also include refreshing humor to encourage smiles and support for all real estate warriors in the trenches who do stand out to make a difference in their client's lives in the exciting and challenging world of the Realtor®. Penned by Associate Broker-Realtor®,and Registered Author, ShirLee McGarry® with RealtyPath in Sandy, Utah

Friday, March 30, 2012

NAR Rally To Protect the American Dream

National Association of Realtors | Rally To Protect The American Dream

By Ron Phipps, 2012 NAR Immediate Past President
E Pluribus Unum.  Out of many, one.

For many years, this has been the motto of the United States.  Today, it seems to be more important than ever.  As a country, we need to come together in order to thrive in the next century, rather than simply survive.  You hear a lot about the changing role of the United States in the world.  While that is important, we need to come together to take care of families, whether home owners or renters, in this country.

As an organization, we need to do the same. Out of many we need to be one.
The Rally to Protect the American Dream, in Washington, D.C., on May 17, is a tangible example, a true witness to the agenda.
E Pluribus Unum.  Fifteen thousand of our members will represent the 1,000,000 members who represent the 75,000,000 home owners and the 320 million Americans who need shelter.

It is also true that this country is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”  We as an organization are exactly that:
  • We are OF our membership, leadership and REALTOR® on the street;
  • We are participants  in our industry and our country (BY the people);
  • And we work FOR ourselves, our customers and clients, and our country.
We truly are OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people.

We are gathering in Washington, D.C., to personally and collectively deliver our message to our representatives and our government.  They both need to be of, by, and for the citizens of this nation.

I am excited to be joining fellow REALTORS® in Washington D.C., to do my part for families across this country.  E Pluribus Unum.

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