ShirLee's Homes4SaleUtah BLOG

ShirLee McGarry's Homes4SaleUtah BLOG, features great articles for consumers, homeowners and Realtors® addressing community, local, state and national real estate news. Articles also include refreshing humor to encourage smiles and support for all real estate warriors in the trenches who do stand out to make a difference in their client's lives in the exciting and challenging world of the Realtor®. Penned by Associate Broker-Realtor®,and Registered Author, ShirLee McGarry® with RealtyPath in Sandy, Utah

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall Home Cleanup Tips from ShirLee

It’s about that time again!  The crisp/cool air, countless beautiful shades of colors, and plenty of enjoyable evenings around the bonfire await us.  Yet, amidst all these great things, there are certain preparations that you need to be aware of when getting ready for the fall season as well.

As a homeowner, it’s important that you take certain steps in order to protect your home’s condition and also your wallet.  So let’s explore 5 key areas that you ought to review over the upcoming weeks to be fully equipped for what lies ahead:

Routine furnace maintenance: Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment for your furnace.  While trying to juggle work obligations, kids, school, chores, and much more, this is one of those areas that can easily be overlooked. But a couple hundred dollars now is much more reasonable than a few thousand later. 
Keep your furnace in good working condition and make sure you’re prepared for the colder temperatures.

Clean off your roof: As the leaves begin to fall, it’s important that you protect your roof from unnecessary moisture.  Take the time to clean off any debris that builds up before the winter months and ensure that your roof is patched from any basic wear and tear. 

This will be especially vital when winter snow begins to accumulate.  Also, clear out your gutters and scan the area around your chimney as well.  If there seems to be any places where water could leak in than it may be time to call a professional.

Prepare Your Pipes: First of all, don’t forget to unscrew any hoses or nozzles attached to the outside faucets.  For those who are using underground sprinklers, take the time to push out any remaining water from the summer.  Also, cleaning your septic system may be beneficial before the temperatures hit freezing.

Basic Crack Repair & Landscape: For those who have minor sidewalk or concrete damage, now may be a good time to fill some of those areas with something like Quikrete to avoid further damage.  This can help to keep water and moisture out, especially once snow hits.  Also, make sure to clear out the areas around your house where leaves have fallen, and cut back any other trees or shrubbery.

Insulation & Energy Efficiency: This can be a huge money waster!  For those who are rarely at home and constantly on the run, you may want to consider investing in a programmable thermostat.  This can save you hundreds of dollars alone by cutting back on unnecessary energy costs.  Especially with the rise in most utilities costs, this should certainly be considered.

Also, are there areas around your windows, doors or elsewhere that may be allowing draughts to enter your home?  Consider either having these places sealed or maybe investing in some new materials.  Depending on how long you plan to live at your current residence, the cost could certainly be justified.

Hopefully you have found these 5 tips to be helpful and informative.  Please visit us again soon, as we update our blog with other useful tips on a regular basis.       

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