ShirLee's Homes4SaleUtah BLOG

ShirLee McGarry's Homes4SaleUtah BLOG, features great articles for consumers, homeowners and Realtors® addressing community, local, state and national real estate news. Articles also include refreshing humor to encourage smiles and support for all real estate warriors in the trenches who do stand out to make a difference in their client's lives in the exciting and challenging world of the Realtor®. Penned by Associate Broker-Realtor®,and Registered Author, ShirLee McGarry® with RealtyPath in Sandy, Utah

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My First Video Production

Dale Huber
21 Years Old First Time Homeowner
April 15, 2010

Wow this is awesome, I just completed my first editing of a movie I took last year of a closing of my client, Dale Huber who at 21 years of age bought his first home. 

Nine months later I finally got up enough nerve to try my hand at editing the one and only movie I have taken with my new camera. So this is the birth of my first video.

I will have to get busy to find out how to record all my own music to avoid future headaches.

For those real estate peers who are old hands at this, I'd appreciate any constructive criticism you might have to assist in my first stab at this art form. It took me about 16 hours to complete since I had to learn how the program worked. I used Widows Movie Maker which comes with most computers and is a great program to learn the basics before investing in expensive video editing programs.

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